A team trying to instil hopeful optimism for the sustainability agenda at OMD


Culture, 员工福利, Operational

Key focus



Longer term


OMD's Better Planet team aims to bring tangible and significant changes to their agency, client work, and partners by embracing hopeful optimism and tackling sustainability challenges. 他们每两周开会一次,讨论倡议和想法, 确保明确的重点和资源分配. The team's first success was creating the agency's first Pre-Loved Swap Shop, 获得了令人印象深刻的结果. By aligning with the Omnicom Green team leads and securing support from the Board, 这支队伍发展迅速,并得到了全机构的认可. The initiative has become an integral part of the agency's culture and new-starter induction.


作为OMD的Better Planet团队,我们希望将其具体化, 我们机构的重大变化, 我们的客户工作, 以及我们的合作伙伴. Our ethos is to embody hopeful optimism rather than shy away from a problem that can feel too big to overcome. 我们都在一路学习, but we have already created some exciting events and initiatives in the last few months alone. 不管是5分钟还是1个小时, anyone can help make our agency and the advertising world a better place, 而Better Planet团队想要帮助实现这一目标.


We meet up once every two weeks and discuss any upcoming initiatives or ideas we want to get off the ground. 会议由Better Planet负责人主持. We have a rough timing plan where we detail the initiatives or events we are planning, 基于我们的四个核心支柱:我们的房子, 教育我们的员工, 与客户合作, 以及媒体合作伙伴. This enables us to remain focused on our overarching ambition and ensure we allocate specific members and time to specific initiatives.

例如, for the house pillar we worked with 30+ colleagues across Omnicom to create the agency’s first Pre-Loved Swap Shop, a fashion pop-up shop that saw clothing donations from 100 people across agencies being swapped for a small (optional) monetary donation: 300 items were swapped, 其余的捐给了Care4Calais慈善机构, 并为地震募捐筹集了900英镑.

对于合伙人支柱, we invite media owners who have green credentials or new sustainable ambitions to come in to talk to us so that we are all aware of the newest developments, 不管我们的角色是什么.

如果人们举手支持具体的倡议, 如果需要的话,领导会帮助协调, otherwise we try keep it so that everyone can play an independent part with the help of others, 而不是仅仅由团队领导承担责任.


I talked through my idea to refresh the team with the Omnicom Green team leads who are my counterparts at a broader UK agency Group level (as the OMD UK Better Planet team itself isn’t new, 但由于本赛季的激烈比赛,它失去了一些动力。. 我确保愿景清晰而有条理, 这就是四大支柱, and aligned to the wider Omnicom vision and ambition for sustainability across the group. 然后我给团队发了“招聘”邮件, 联系了之前的成员,看看他们是否有兴趣, and consistently appeared in agency huddles to ensure the team had a voice and role to play within OMD, as a whole. 这让更多的人意识到这个团队, 把自己放在前面, 甚至让媒体所有者参与更广泛的项目.



最初的征聘和更新不需要预算, but as the team lead it required some heavy lifting especially in terms of time and resources to ensure the reset was effective, organised, 并开始运行. Of course, 这是在日常工作之外完成的, so passion for the cause and overall enthusiasm were key to making this a success!


We are now one of the biggest teams in the agency and we have presented our initiatives, vision, 和对董事会的雄心. We have also secured budget to help us get ideas off the ground this year, and have been asked to contribute to an article for The Drum in light of our involvement in the sustainability agenda. Furthermore, 现在有更多的人想加入这个团队, 参加下一个旧货交换店, 出席全部门的会议和休假日, 这意味着我们现在处于机构生活的最前沿. This has allowed teams like ours to be recognised at agency level and the work to form part of our contracted hours for a % every week. As such, we now also form part of the new-starter induction which means we can get in front of new talent from the start of their OMD career.

What have you learnt that could help others looking to do something similar?


  • Just start. Starting is better than waiting until it’s perfect (nothing ever will be!),做点什么总比什么都不做强
  • Working on these kind of projects requires extra time on top of the day job, so make sure you are truly enthusiastic and passionate about whatever it is you are throwing yourself into as that’s the only way you can be motivated through the tougher times
  • Make sure you have a sponsor or person on the Board/leadership body within the agency. 当寻求确保预算或更广泛的机构知名度, it is very important to have someone in a leadership position to back you when you can’t always be in the room. We are lucky to have 2/3 people in Board who are active participants and it’s been invaluable
  • 设定一些界限并寻求帮助:你不可能独自完成所有的事情! 请人领导具体的项目和计划, 授权他人将想法掌握在自己手中, 作为一个推动者和促进者, 而不是领导者. Ultimately you are all there for the same reasons and are all learning along the way, 所以要互相依靠!

"Ellie has been instrumental at giving the OMD UK Better Planet team a fresh lease life of life. Her energy, passion for the cause and great organisational skills have got a team back on track with new members, 一个我们正在努力实现的愿景, 最重要的是,她将思想和想法转化为有意义的行动. Turning the first Pre-loved shop from a nugget of an idea to a real-life event in the middle of the agency building is testament to that- and there is so much more to come."






Key focus
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Blis的包容性骄傲庆典:培养意识 & allyship


支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. 大胆地走自己的节奏,而不是让科技设定节奏. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.